How To Achieve More In The "New" Normal

Being quarantined has forced us to change our daily behavior, which has significantly limited where we can go and what we can accomplish each day. Despite the circumstances, we’ve now gained some additional time in our days by not commuting or sitting in meetings. 

Working from home with less interruptions has resulted in increased productivity and a substantial savings at the gas pump. Many of you have enhanced your physical health by getting outside and enjoying a long walk or bike ride. Others have rekindled their creative spirit by resuming an old hobby or taking some online classes.

Soon the country will reopen and we will begin a new “normal”. Before that happens, reflect on this time and think about how much you were able to accomplish while being sheltered in place. 

What can you take forward from this experience as you begin living in the “new normal”? 

Here are 12 strategies to reflect on and practice so you can continue to do less and achieve more in the coming months:

1. Establish your top priorities. Identify your top three priorities for each week and write them down in your planner or journal. Schedule your week around those priorities and aim to achieve them. Reflect on them at the end of the week and determine what you will continue, improve, start, or stop doing based on your prior weeks results.

2. Banish clutter. An orderly environment promotes efficiency. Find a system that works for you and stick with it. TIP: Set a reminder on your phone every month that reminds you to straighten up your work space.

3. Turn off technology and reduce distractions. You can keep your smart phone, just shut it off occasionally. Silence helps concentration and productivity.

4. Downplay being busy. Some people brag about being extremely busy. Resist the urge to compete.

5. Focus on quality. Shift your focus to getting the results you want. Select tasks that motivate you to strive for excellence. The quality of your achievements is much more important than the quantity.

6. Do one thing at a time. Most experts are skeptical about multitasking. Complete one task before moving to the next. This will allow you to give the proper care and consideration to each item on your list.

7. Pay attention. Concentrate on the present moment. Enjoy cooking dinner for your family or participating in a video conference call. Avoid letting yourself get distracted by everything else. Enjoy a glass of wine while watching the sunset!

When you are not working, consider these activities to help refuel your mind:

8. Play around and have fun. Appreciate the value of unstructured play. Toss a ball around with your kids or watch your dog explore a new park. Go for a drive just to enjoy the scenery and seeing something new.

9. Take naps. If it’s difficult for you to get uninterrupted sleep at night, consider making up the deficit with daily naps. As little as 10 minutes of afternoon slumber can be very refreshing.

10. Pause frequently. As businesses and events reopen, you may be forced to wait longer than usual. Look forward to waiting. Relax and use the time you’re standing in line at the grocery store to plan your afternoon. When you’re in a quiet parking lot, reflect for a few moments before starting your car’s engine. Just pause and be in the moment.

11. Begin the day with a positive mindset. Set the alarm 10 minutes earlier so you can avoid racing around in the morning. Meditate briefly before getting out of bed. Try something as simple as reading an inspirational quote while drinking your morning coffee. A positive mindset is an achieving mindset.

12. Review before bed. Simplifying your life is an ongoing process. Check in each evening to see how you’re doing. Reflect on what went well and what could have gone better that day. Then plan for the next day, keeping in mind what adjustments you can make.

Take greater control of how you spend your time. Set your priorities and engage in activities that are meaningful for you. Your days will feel less stressful and be more productive - even when your life returns to “normal”.

Tired of trying to do everything yourself and feeling overwhelmed?

Times are tough right now and there is plenty of uncertainty. I can help you get refocused on your business so you are operating from a position of confidence and efficiency. Schedule your Free “MOMENTUM” Phone Calland let’s talk about you and your business!

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