18 Tried and True Tactics for Building Momentum in Business

Many of my clients that I coach need help with how to build momentum in their business. They feel overwhelmed because they face a list of never-ending tasks and responsibilities.  Achieving consistent momentum is a struggle. 

Can you relate?

 Momentum is a powerful thing. When watching a sporting event, you can tell when the momentum shifts from one team to another. You can feel the energy change, which is great when you are on the receiving end of the momentum. The same is true in running a business. You have momentum when sales are good, and your business is growing. However, your momentum may feel like a distant memory if business is slow and you struggle to get customers. 

So, how can you build momentum in your business - especially when, as a business owner, you are constantly dealing with disruptions?

Let’s look at how the laws of physics can help you reach your goals faster.

You may have heard of Isaac Newton’s Law of Inertia: An object in motion tends to stay in motion. An object at rest tends to remain at rest. That’s also true for people.

Try these 18 tactics to propel yourself towards more success by taking advantage of this law of nature to build momentum in your business.

Make a Start

  1. Take the first step. The kickoff of any project can be the most challenging stage. Anything new will more than likely take you out of your comfort zone. Give yourself credit for taking the initiative. You’re on your way to fulfilling your wishes. Even if you make a mistake, you can learn from it.
  2. Begin earlyUse your morning hours wisely. Rack up at least one accomplishment before breakfast. You may sort through your emails or accomplish a difficult task in record time when interruptions are fewer.
  3. Start strong. Always have something you want to achieve each day so you are clearly focused when the alarm goes off. When you begin each day with a purpose, you will be surprised at how much you can accomplish. To help me start my writing, I have a subscription to Focus At Will (https://www.focusatwill.com), a music app that provides music for your brain and increases productivity. I also spend time writing in my daily journal. Getting my thoughts on paper frees my mind to be more creative once I sit down to do my work.
  4. Break projects down. Simplify complicated jobs. Look at a project and begin with the end in mind. Break the project down into monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly tasks. This will give you momentum and keep your project on track. Use project management software like Asana, Click-Up, or Trello to see what you need to do visually.
  5. Aim for easy wins. Feel like a hero by getting a few simple victories under your belt. It will inspire you to keep striving for more.
  6. Gather facts. Avoid delays due to uncertainty. Conduct the necessary research first. Browse articles online or view videos on YouTube for the best resources. Reach out to experts to get their advice.
  7. Identify obstacles. Anticipating roadblocks helps you to plan around them. For instance, ensure the money you have collected for Sales Tax is in a different bank account and away from your operating account. You don’t want to put yourself in a position of not having that money when it comes time to file your sales tax returns.

Keep Moving Ahead

  1. Clarify your goals. It’s easier to advance when you know where you’re going. Be precise about what you want to achieve. Try to accomplish your three most important tasks each day. I recommend the Full Focus Planner for tracking your quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily tasks.
  2. Establish timelines. Target dates are another vital element. You can stay on track by deciding to get your blog articles out weekly or aim to have your photo editing or creative project completed before the weekend.
  3. Hold yourself accountable. Realize that you generate your own energy. Motivation is more reliable when it’s internal.
  4. Build on previous victories. Resist the temptation to rest on your laurels. In today’s marketplace, you must consistently market yourself to remain booked throughout the year. You should spend at least 20% of your time marketing to your prospects and clients each week.  If you work five days a week, one day should be dedicated to your marketing effort.
  5. Share the glory. Enlist the support of others. Get involved with associations locally and nationally. Join Facebook groups and participate regularly in Zoom learning sessions. You can spur each other on. Momentum is contagious!
  6. Choose meaningful activities. You’re likelier to keep at something when you feel passionate about it. Devote your time to the things you care about.
  7. Tackle the most difficult tasks promptly. Of course, there’s bound to be grunt work. Mark Twain famously said that if you first eat a live frog in the morning, you can go through the rest of the day knowing the worst is behind you. Your frog is your worst task; you should do it first thing in the morning. Note from Doug: My apologiesI know this sounds gross, but you will never forget the saying! 🙂
  8. Get organized. Build up speed by putting systems in place. You’ll check off routine errands and tasks in less time.
  9. Schedule downtime. Allow for rest and relaxation. Play with your children or listen to classical music. You’ll return to work with more energy.
  10. Stay fit. Productivity depends on your physical and mental condition. Exercise regularly, eat a nutritious diet, and follow your doctor’s recommendations for any medical conditions you have. Your business can’t function without you, so take the time to stay fit and healthy.
  11. Evaluate your results. Take time to review your achievements and identify areas where you can raise your sights. I like to take time at the end of each month to reflect on what is working and what needs to be improved going forward. Find satisfaction in developing your skills and being of service to others. Reward yourself with something cool - you earned it. 

Begin implementing these tactics into your business. Use the momentum to build your confidence and start becoming booked and profitable!

If you want help building momentum in your business, schedule a "Discovery Session" with me! You will leave the call renewed, energized, and inspired to take the next steps to create a thriving service-based business!

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