Have These Important Life Lessons Disappeared From The Classroom?

Our educational system is focused on math, science, reading and writing. While these subjects are important, being great at geometry doesn't necessarily lead to a happy and successful life. 

Although there are many life lessons that aren’t taught in school, we still have the responsibility to learn them.

Keep these important truths in mind. They can transform your life:

1. Forgiveness is something you do for yourself. Holding a grudge and being unable to let go of anger can ruin your own happiness, rather than causing grief to others. By not forgiving those you feel have wronged you, you’re only prolonging your own misery.

2. Many health issues can be avoided with proper diet, exercise, and rest. The medical community is becoming more and more certain that many diseases are caused by poor diet.

  • Simply dropping a few of the unhealthy foods you eat on a regular basis can significantly impact your health and sense of well-being in many positive ways.
  • Getting enough exercise and sleep is a good prescription for anyone. It’s easier to stay healthy than it is to regain lost health.

3. Perseverance is the most critical component of success. There are few feats in life that can’t be accomplished, as long as you try. When things don’t work out as hoped, change your approach and keep on going. How can you possibly fail if you refuse to quit?

4. Your happiness is your responsibility. Although you may wish that everyone made your happiness a top priority, most people have other things on their minds. Besides, you’re the only one who truly knows what’s required for your own happiness and fulfillment.

  • Figure out all that makes you happy and create a life that supports those things.

5. Say what needs to be said while there’s still time. If anyone in your life has passed away, you’ve probably regretted not telling them certain things.

  • Whether it’s telling them how you feel about them or sharing the fact that you took credit for something that they did, you only have a limited amount of time. Make the most of it!

6. Failure is part of the process. You can learn a lot from a book or from watching others, but the most significant learning comes from “failing” at something.  Provided you learn from each failure and apply that knowledge, you’re really just perfecting your route to success.

7. It’s your responsibility to manage your finances. When we were younger, many of us thought money “grew on trees”. Our parents earned it, we spent it. Why, oh why weren’t we taught to do our own taxes or create a personal finance budget at school? Taking responsibility for your life means also taking responsibility for your money. Financially successful people will tell you that it’s not how much money you make, but rather what you do with it. And what you need to do is spend less than you earn and make the remainder grow for you. 

8. Live life like it’s hard, and your life will become easier. Having an easy life is about doing all the annoying things that many people aren’t willing to do. It’s about taking the time to find a rewarding job and paying your bills on time. It’s about following good eating habits and going to the dentist twice a year. These “difficult” things actually result in an easier life.

9. Obsessing about the future or past creates anxiety and frustration. Looking to the past to gain wisdom is great. Focusing on and regretting things that happened five years ago is a sure way to make yourself unhappy.

  • Worrying about your future won’t make it different. Look ahead to see potential roadblocks and start working on solutions.

10. You don’t know what you don’t know. We all hold beliefs that are untrue. Unfortunately, we’re unaware of which beliefs are false. If you face any challenges in your life, you probably believe some things that just aren’t true.

  • Figure out what’s true and false in your belief system. Having a more accurate roadmap to life results in a smoother trip.

Examine your life and consider those life lessons. Think about how applying them can lead to more success and happiness. If you have children, please share these lessons with them.

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