3 Bright & Shiny Benefits of Building A Personal Brand

Think of your favorite brands. They all stand out for one reason or another. For example, Apple is known for its sleek product designs and cutting-edge technology. Coca-Cola is branded as a fun, enjoyable beverage.  McDonald's is America's most known fast food restaurant.

Just like businesses can become known for their brand, so can creative solopreneurs and small business owners. Developing your personal brand is a smart way to position yourself and stand out in the mind of your clients. 

What can you achieve by building your personal brand? Here are three benefits:

1. Branding Makes You Memorable

But first, you’ll need to set aside time and energy to reflect on who you want to be and what you want to be known for. Doing this will save you energy in the long run, since you will be able to focus  on your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. 

Another benefit of developing your personal brand is that it becomes easier to present yourself consistently, no matter where you go. Imagine being able to intentionally place pictures in potential clients’ minds (by telling your brand story) so they will remember you.

As a personal branding photographer, I can create images that tell your story and show you interacting with clients in your own environment. You will be able to have lifetime access to these images and use them on your website and social media accounts.

2. Branding Makes You An Authority

Not only will potential clients remember you, it will also be more likely that they will tell others about you. You will then be viewed as an authority in your field, all because you took the time to work on your branding.

But this is only the beginning. As you become more well-known, your ideal clients will become more attracted to you. You won’t have to spend as much time marketing because your customers will naturally flock to you.

I can help you clarify your marketing message so that you stand out from your competition. Together, we will go through the 7 step "story brand" process that will make your customers the hero and you their guide. Reach out to me if you are interested in this service.

3. Branding Makes You More Money

As a result of increasing demand for your services, you will also be able to raise your rates. Think how exciting it would be to do the same work you’re already doing but at double the rates!  With smart branding, this is a real possibility.

Of course, higher rates aren’t the only reason to build your personal brand. You can also expect to get more attention from other solopreneurs and business owners that want to offer you high value partnerships and affiliate opportunities. Imagine getting to work on projects that you love with other business owners that you’ve admired for years!

All of these things and more can happen when you’re willing to stand up and own your brand. You were made to shine, so embrace your personal brand with gusto. 

 Make sure you  download your free guide to "Business Branding" to discover how much fun and profitable personal branding can be!

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