Does Good Ol' Hard Work Guarantee Business Success?

When I ask people what they think is the key to a successful business, many say hard work and grit. I understand where this belief comes from because most of us have been taught, since a very young age, that if we work hard, then everything will fall into place, and we will eventually experience success.

If it were really this simple and hard work was the only thing we had to put into our business, then this country would have many more successful companies. 

The problem with hard work alone is it is difficult to sustain without burning out.

When you observe the world's most successful people, you'll notice they have a few other characteristics that help sculpt their success.

Here are four critical (and often overlooked) attributes to success that is as important as hard work and grit:

1. Passion

Finding joy and fulfillment in what we do is key to getting others to see our passion for our business. When you enjoy what you do, it makes the business journey easier and helps to weather the storms that every business experiences. People can tell when you are passionate about what you do. Your positive energy is transferred to the client/customer, and they know they made the right choice by hiring you.

If you're chasing a long-term goal, it's essential to know how to follow your gut and put in the effort to find and sustain the passion in what you're doing.

2. Purpose

As an entrepreneur, you have clarity on WHAT you want your business to achieve. But do you know WHY you want to achieve it? Having a sense of purpose is paramount to achieving business success. As a business owner, you will often have to pivot to work on a challenge that has come up. Without a sense of purpose, you may drift away from your WHY and lose momentum and the drive to achieve your goals. Having a sense of purpose gives you the ability to control what you do or don't do. Always ask yourself, "does this align with my purpose?" If the answer is yes, then proceed. If the answer is no, then figure out another alternative.

3. Self -Determination

When you have self-determination, you own your power and freedom of choice. Self-determination comes from your inner strength and courage, and it helps you strengthen your internal beliefs so you can take on challenges and changes in your business with ease. 

Grit is another word for self-determination, and it helps you push through difficult times so you can come up with solutions that keep you on track. Having grit is a great and essential trait to have as an entrepreneur.

4. Confidence

When you have a clear vision of what you want and complete confidence that you can achieve it, your mental blocks are easier to dissolve.

If you lack confidence in yourself and are not 100% sure you can achieve your goals, you'll most likely keep finding excuses and procrastinating out of fear, which can be detrimental to your business.

Remember what Maxwell Maltz said: "When you believe you can - you can!" 

Confidence comes with time and experience; you have to be patient if you are just beginning your business.

Take these four attributes and use them to keep you motivated each day. Your potential is limitless! 

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