Business Development

Focus On These Critical Things While You Wait To Reopen
Focus On These Critical Things While You Wait To ReopenI live in Northern Virginia and just learned that businesses in my area will not be reopening until May 28 (if

Is Negative Self-Talk Standing Between You and Business Success?
Is Negative Self-Talk Standing Between You And Business Success?Try the 5 Beliefs Turn-Around Exercise To Reframe Your ThoughtsAs a business coach working with entrepreneurs, I frequently hear these comments:“I’ve never

How Many Hats Are You Wearing In Your Business?
How Many Hats Are You Wearing In Your Business?As a small business owner, you wear many hats and some “fit” better than others. Here is just a few that all

Understand the Color Wheel before creating your company brand!
Want to Do Your Own Company Branding? Understand the Color Wheel First...Company branding is so much more than your colors and logo, but choosing colors to represent you and your

3 Key Questions to Ask Your Graphic Designer
3 Key Questions to Ask Your Graphic Designer Finding the right graphic designer to handle your company's branding and any other small projects is extremely important but also daunting unless you