Why Photographers Need a Business Coach

Business coaching has become a wise investment for photographers who want to advance themselves and their businesses. Still, in my experience as a business coach for over ten years, I have found that many photographers don't truly understand what coaching is. In short, business coaching is a collaborative relationship between the photographer and a professional coach aimed at strategically developing a successful business. A coach's role is to help you design a clear vision for your photography business that aligns with your goals and the lifestyle you desire. With that vision in hand, they provide you with the guidance, support, and accountability you need to set and move through your goals, allowing you to take your business from where it is to where you want it to be.

Hiring a business coach is not the same as hiring a photography consultant to come in and fix your business. And like the photography industry, many people call themselves "business coaches" who don't have any tangible professional accreditations or associations. 

It can be hard to know whom to trust. 

Working with a coach is a deeply personal engagement. You want to work with someone who understands the business of photography and what it takes to have a profitable and sustainable business.

Here's what you should expect by investing in a business coach:

A trusted partnership

Business coaching is not consulting, and it's not therapy. One common misconception is that business coaches will act more like consultants and do the work of developing your business for you—they won't. Coaches help set direction, and provide feedback, guidance, tools, resources, and perspective. They're also the accountability factor, which is what I find to be the thing most photographers need—someone to help them stay focused on their goals, especially when business becomes difficult.

A good business coach doesn't simply tell you what to do or listen without giving feedback. A good business coach is someone you can trust—someone who can diagnose specific and systemic issues in your business and knows that you have to implement the solutions yourself to get sustainable results.

Being a good listener and intelligent about business are vital characteristics for any coach. A good coach will care about your success and understand why you went into the photography business in the first place.

An excellent coach will help you clarify what needs to be done, in what order and patiently watch as you take on those actions. And more importantly, they hold you accountable for your activities each week.

A coach who demonstrates courage and is curious

A great coach has both curiosity and courage. They use their curiosity to dig deep into your challenges to determine the root cause for why things are stuck. They ask probing questions that get the business owner to look at things differently. At times, a great business coach will need to have the courage to be brutally honest with you. They should be willing to call you out if you don't show up, do the work and make real change.

They understand that you need to hear the truth, and it is their job to ensure the truth is told before you jump into action. A business coach can help you become a better leader, more organized, and a more successful business person if you are willing to do the work.

A clear blueprint

Your objective is to build a successful business with intention through business coaching. To do that, you should find a coach who offers a structured program. My "Beat the Odds Business Program For Photographers" will give you the skills you need to build, market, and monetize your photography business better than ever before. Statistics show that 85% of all photographers who start a business today will not be in business three years from now. My business program will help you beat those odds!

Autonomy for you

 A great business coach knows that you'll need them less and less over time. Their goal is to give you the right tools to put proven business principles into practice so you become comfortable working with them daily. As you and your business grow, a business coach's need will diminish. A great coach understands this and will adjust their services based on your changing needs.

If you're ready to work with a coach, I am here to help. Schedule a no-cost, no-obligation "STARTUP CALL" with me to see if I would be the right fit for you.

Your business is important to you, and I know I can help you accomplish your goals more quickly than you have in the past. Let's see if business coaching will work for you. Here is the link again to schedule your FREE "STARTUP CALL."

I look forward to talking with you!

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